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Vršič from Soča

3 reviews | Elevation profile | 17 photos
Vršič from Soča
Vršič from Soča
Vršič from Soča
Vršič from Soča
Vršič from Soča
Vršič from Soča
Elevation profile Vršič from Soča


Difficulty points 943
Length 23.6 km
Average gradient 5%
Steepest 100 meters 13.7%
Total ascent 1173m

Short recap

Beautiful scenery
30 hairpin turns
#9 toughest climb of Slovenia
#1 most elevation gain of Slovenia
#2 longest climb of Slovenia
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Vršič from Soča is a climb in the region Slovenia. It is 23.6km long and bridges 1173 vertical meters with an average gradient of 5%, resulting in a difficulty score of 943. The top of the ascent is located at 1629 meters above sea level. Climbfinder users shared 3 reviews of this climb and uploaded 17 photos.

Road names: Trenta-Bovec, 206, Trenta & Prelaz Vršič

Photos (17)

Vršič from Soča
Vršič from Soča
Vršič from Soča
Vršič from Soča
Vršič from Soča
Vršič from Soča
Vršič from Soča
Vršič from Soča
Vršič from Soča
Vršič from Soča
Vršič from Soča
Vršič from Soča
Vršič from Soča
Vršič from Soča
Vršič from Soča
Vršič from Soča
Vršič from Soča
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Reviews (3)

3 Mo 5.0
This is an automatic translation, the original language is: French. Show original

We really enjoyed this pass, with the first part on a false flat which allows you to get into the swing of things before the final part where there is a lot of yawing and quite high gradients.

Nous avons vraiment apprécié ce col, avec une première partie en faux plat qui permet de se mettre en jambe avant la partie finale où il y a beaucoup de lacet et des pourcentages assez élevés

2 y 5.0
This is an automatic translation, the original language is: Dutch. Show original

This is in a word beautiful! Eye-catching! Fantastic! What a beautiful climb this is. This climb is a journey through all the beauty that Slovenia has to offer. The first few kilometres do not really count because it goes up and down a bit. Still, you don't make much progress because you are constantly standing still to admire yourself in gorges, to cross bridges or to watch wild water canoes.
At Trenta, you can eat something and fill up with water for the last time. I did not see a water point until the lake at Jasna on the other side. The climb really starts after Trenta and is quite tough from there on. There are parts where you have a little respite and the hairpins are quite flat. The rest is just 10 % or higher, so firmly push the pedals. The suffering is relieved along the way by beautiful views of the mountain massif where the Mangart climb also runs. At the end, the climb seems to level off and then takes its revenge with a long section 13%.
At the top of the pass, there is a souvenir shop with a soda machine. In September, this is a busy place; in the high season, it seems to have been a madhouse here. This climb can therefore be considered quite busy, although I didn't think it was too bad.
Considering the beauty and the fantastic views, this climb should be on the bucket list of anyone who likes to cycle in the mountains!

Dit is in een woord prachtig! Oogstrelend! Fantastisch! Wat een mooie klim is dit. Deze klim is een reis door al het moois dat Slovenië te bieden heeft. De eerste kilometers tellen eigenlijk niet mee omdat het er en beetje op en af gaat. Toch schiet je op het eerste deel geen drol op omdat je om de haverklap stil staat jezelf te vergapen in kloven, je bruggetjes over wil steken of je staat te kijken naar wildwaterkano's.
Bij Trenta kan je wat eten en voor het laatst water bijvullen. Ik heb geen waterpunt meer gezien totaan het meer bij Jasna aan de andere kant. De klim begint na Trenta pas echt en is vanaf daar goed pittig. Er zitten stukken tussen was je een klein beetje respijt hebt en de haarspeldbochten zijn vrij vlak. De rest is gewoon 10% of hoger, stevig duwen op de pedalen dus. Het leed wordt onderweg verzacht door prachtige vergezichten op het bergmassief waar ook de Mangartklim loopt. Aan het eind lijkt de klim wat af te vlakken om daarna met een lang stuk 13% nog even wraak te nemen.
Boven op de pas bevindt zich een souvenirwinkel met frisdrankautomaat. Hier is het nu in september goed druk, in het hoogseizoen schijnt het hier gekkenhuis geweest te zijn. Deze klim mag je dan ook best wel als druk aanmerken, hoewel ik het eigenlijk nog mee vond vallen.
Gezien de pracht en de fantastische uitzichten mag deze klim wat mij betreft op de bucketlist van iedereen die graag in de bergen fietst!

Vršič from Soča
Vršič from Soča
Vršič from Soča
Vršič from Soča
Vršič from Soča
3 y 5.0
This is an automatic translation, the original language is: Dutch. Show original

The climb really starts from Trenta (then 9 km at just under 10% average). First few kilometers there are ok in terms of steepness. 25 hairpins in this climb, signs count down each turn + indicate height. Asphalt is good for climbing, quite busy by cars and motorcycles. In summer choose to leave early given little shade. Very nice views of snowy peaks!

Klim start eigenlijk pas echt vanaf Trenta (dan 9tal kilometer aan net geen 10% gemiddeld). Eerste kilometers daar zijn ok qua steiltegraad. 25 haarspeldbochten in deze klim, borden tellen elke bocht af + geven hoogte aan. Asfalt is goed om te klimmen, vrij druk bereden door auto's en motoren. In zomer kiezen om vroeg te vertrekken gezien weinig schaduw. Zeer mooie zichten op besneeuwde toppen!

Vršič from Soča
Vršič from Soča
Vršič from Soča

Climbing times

7 km/h 03:21:58
11 km/h 02:08:31
15 km/h 01:34:15
19 km/h 01:14:24

Road surface condition

45% 45% 9%
Based on 11 votes
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31% 46% 23%
Based on 13 votes
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