Coll de Rates / Tossal dels Diners from Parcent

Elevation profile Coll de Rates / Tossal dels Diners from Parcent
Elevation profile Coll de Rates / Tossal dels Diners from Parcent
Elevation profile Coll de Rates / Tossal dels Diners from Parcent
difficulty points
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steepest 100 meters
total ascent

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Coll de Rates / Tossal dels Diners from Parcent is a climb in the region Costa Blanca. It is 9.8km long and bridges 654 vertical meters with an average gradient of 6.7%, resulting in a difficulty score of 543. The top of the ascent is located at 927 meters above sea level. Climbfinder users shared 5 reviews of this climb and uploaded 16 photos.

Road name: CV-715

5.0 by theben36
This is an automatic translation, the original language is: French.
I confirm what Jeroen wrote before, the climb is great and a reference for the pros, just look at the first 100 on Strava. Beware the best ones did it in a race or in a group in race pace... Almost no one goes to the top because you have to cross the car park of the restaurant, which is heavily gra... read more
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Photos (16)

Coll de Rates / Tossal dels Diners from Parcent
Coll de Rates / Tossal dels Diners from Parcent
Coll de Rates / Tossal dels Diners from Parcent
Coll de Rates / Tossal dels Diners from Parcent
Coll de Rates / Tossal dels Diners from Parcent

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Coll de Rates / Tossal dels Diners from Parcent
This climb
Costa Blanca
84 climbs
301 climbs
3256 climbs
41854 climbs
Difficulty points
36% easier than
Bèrnia from Altea la Vella
36% easier than
Bèrnia from Altea la Vella
Average gradient
44% less steep than
Bèrnia from Altea la Vella
62% less steep than
Castell de Culla
75% less steep than
Camino El Monte from Farrobillo
77% less steep than
Calçada do Rêgo Lameiro
Total ascent
35% less ascent than
Port du Tudons from La Vila Joiosa


Famous climb
Beautiful scenery
Hidden gem
4 hairpin turns

Road surface condition

69% 23% 8%
Based on 13 votes
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92% 8% 0%
Based on 13 votes
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Climbing times

7 km/h 01:23:45
11 km/h 00:53:17
15 km/h 00:39:05
19 km/h 00:30:51


Reviews (5)

8 Mo 5.0
This is an automatic translation, the original language is: Dutch. Show original

Beautiful climb with little traffic. Lovely cycling therefore. The climb behind the restaurant at the top is incredibly steep. You eventually have to descend it again, as it is a dead end. That means squeezing your brakes for 3 km and paying close attention. If you don't like this, just cross the col towards Tarbena. That's downhill but also quite a bit of climbing. Just before Tarbena you can turn right and do climb called Facheca. You then follow the course of the local Gran Fondo Contador.

Prachtige klim met weinig verkeer. Heerlijk fietsen dus. De klim achter het restaurant op de top is ontzettend steil. Die moet je uiteindelijk ook weer afdalen, aangezien deze dood loopt. Dat betekent 3 km lang in je remmen knijpen en goed opletten. Als je hier niet van houdt ga dan gewoon de col over richting Tarbena. Dat is afdalen maar ook nog aardig wat klimmen. Vlak voor Tarbena kun je naar rechts afslaan en klim genaamd Sa Creueta doen. Je volgt dan het parcours van de plaatselijke Gran Fondo Contador.

1 y 5.0

if you climb Rates & you have a low enough gear for it, doing what the locals call 'Super Rates' is well worth the effort, kind of saul destroying if your having a bad day as its got some very steep sections that are visible a fair way before you hit them! But its probably the best view in the Costa Blanca outside of possibly the new very similar El Miserat that overlooks Pego

Coll de Rates / Tossal dels Diners from Parcent
Coll de Rates / Tossal dels Diners from Parcent
1 y 5.0

Route until false summit is nice and gentle, with great views and plenty of cyclists going up and down, frequented by many pro's. Climb is a must for a cyclist in costa blanca. As you reach the restaurant, pass some 200 m of gravel and join 3 km long 10% average, with rather frequent, especially in the bottom part, ramps, challenge. Amazing views, both en route and from the very top. Take care, path is narrow and without any safety barriers, watch for cyclists going in opposite direction. Surface is quite ok, nothing to worry about.

2 y 5.0 21:14:00 (0.5km/h)
This is an automatic translation, the original language is: French. Show original

I confirm what Jeroen wrote before, the climb is great and a reference for the pros, just look at the first 100 on Strava. Beware the best ones did it in a race or in a group in race pace...
Almost no one goes to the top because you have to cross the car park of the restaurant, which is heavily gravelled, I did it every time on foot, and then it's a mini-road with a terrible surface, so it's only worth doing it for the view from the top, but there's nothing there but an observation post for the lights. On the other hand, there is a nice restaurant at the car park where you can eat well and where the view is fabulous, we often go there with my wife and we love it! Be careful, the wind is often unfavourable when you climb Rates from Parcent, the upper part becomes harder even if it is not steeper. But it's a great climb to test yourself and meet lots of other cyclists all year round and see lots of pros in winter.

Je confirme ce que Jeroen a écrit juste avant, la montée est géniale et une référence pour les pros, il suffit de voir les 100 premiers sur Strava. Attention les meilleurs l'ont fait en course ou en groupe en rythme course...
Presque personne ne va jusque tout en haut parce qu'il faut d'abord traverser le parking du restaurant qui est fortement gravillonné, moi je l'ai chaque fois fait à pied et ensuite c'est une mini-route au revêtement épouvantable, donc seulement à faire pour la vue d'en haut mais où il n'y a rien qu'un poste d'observation des feux. Par contre, au niveau du parking il y a un chouette resto où on mange correctement et à la vue fabuleuse, on y va souvent avec ma femme et on adore! Attention, le vent est souvent défavorable quand on monte Rates depuis Parcent, la partie haute en devient plus dure même si elle n'est pas plus pentue. Mais c'est une super montée pour se tester et rencontrer plein d'autres cyclistes toute l'année et voir plein de pros en hiver.

2 y 5.0
This is an automatic translation, the original language is: Dutch. Show original

The Coll de Rates is the climb to meet the pros. What a beautiful climb this is. Breathtaking views as far as the eye can see are yours during this climb. I have added some pictures in order to give you an impression of the beauty which the Coll de Rates can offer you. The gradients are quite mild, so you can also do this climb on power. The road surface is top notch, there is not much traffic.
Is it all fantastic then? No, it isn't, because that last (optional) 2.5 kilometres on a concrete goat path behind the restaurant is a real killer, rarely getting below 10%, and mostly above 15%. Truly a killer, that stretch. Still, it's worth the pain because at the top you have an even cooler, grander and more expansive view. The best view I ever saw on a climb is this one. This climb justifies every trip to the Costa Blanca.

De Coll de Rates is dé klim om pro’s tegen te komen. Wát een prachtige klim is dit zeg. Adembenemende uitzichten zover je kunt kijken zijn je deel tijdens deze klim. Ik heb er wat fotootjes bij gedaan om een beetje een indruk te geven van de schoonheid die de Coll de Rates je kan bieden. De stijgingspercentages zijn vrij mild, waardoor je deze klim ook op de macht op kunt poefen. Het wegdek is top, verkeer is er vrij weinig.
Is het dan allemaal fantastisch? Nee, dat ook niet, want die laatste (optionele) 2,5 kilometer over een betonnen geitenpad achter het restaurant langs is een regelrechte moordenaar die zelden onder de 10% komt, en meestal boven de 15% zit. Echt een killer, dat stuk. Toch is het de pijn waard omdat je bovenop een nóg toffer, grootser en weidser uitzicht hebt. Het mooiste uitzicht dat ik ooit zag op een klim is dít uitzicht. Deze klim maakt elke reis richting de Costa Blanca gerechtvaardigd.

Coll de Rates / Tossal dels Diners from Parcent
Coll de Rates / Tossal dels Diners from Parcent
Coll de Rates / Tossal dels Diners from Parcent
Coll de Rates / Tossal dels Diners from Parcent
Coll de Rates / Tossal dels Diners from Parcent