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Col de l'Arpettaz from La Foliette

3 reviews | Statistics | 0 photos
In some places the road surface of this climb is bad, but it can be ridden with a road bike.
Elevation profile Col de l'Arpettaz from La Foliette
Elevation profile Col de l'Arpettaz from La Foliette
Elevation profile Col de l'Arpettaz from La Foliette


Difficulty points 985
Length 15 km
Average gradient 7.7%
Steepest 100 meters 15%
Total ascent 1159m

Short recap

Beautiful scenery
40 hairpin turns
Bad road
#6 toughest climb of Annecy
#7 most elevation gain of Annecy
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Col de l'Arpettaz from La Foliette is a climb in the region Annecy. It is 15km long and bridges 1159 vertical meters with an average gradient of 7.7%, resulting in a difficulty score of 985. The top of the ascent is located at 1582 meters above sea level. Climbfinder users shared 3 reviews of this climb and uploaded 0 photos.

Road name: Route des Montagnes

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Reviews (3)

2 Mo 4.0 01:45:00 (8.6km/h)
This is an automatic translation, the original language is: Dutch. Show original

A really tough climb, especially if you do it under a leaden heat, as I did today. The first 5 km there is also no shade at all, the last 3 km again... The road is doable but often a patchwork of small repairs. The climb is particularly irregular with sections up to 15% at times. The graph is therefore very misleading. I must have missed that 3rd kilometre of low gradient, e.g. Now and then you get a view of the valley you come from and then you are amazed at the difference in altitude you can visually determine. That gives courage! And after long pulling and tugging you reach the top where you get a really fantastic panorama (with a view of Mont Blanc) and you can quench your thirst in the Refuge!

Een echt zware klim, zeker als je hem doet onder een loden hitte, zoals ik vandaag deed. De eerste 5 km is er ook helemaal geen schaduw, de laatste 3 km opnieuw niet... De weg is doenbaar maar wel dikwijls een lappendeken van kleine herstellingen. De klim is bijzonder onregelmatig met soms stukken tot 15%. De grafiek is daarom erg misleidend. Die 3de kilometer aan laag stijgingspercentage moet ik bvb blijkbaar gemist hebben. Af en toe krijg je zicht op het dal waar je vandaan komt en dan sta je versteld over het hoogteverschil dat je visueel kan vaststellen. Dat geeft moed! En na lang trekken en sleuren bereik je de top waar je een werkelijk fantastisch panorama krijgt (met zicht op de Mont Blanc) en je in de Refuge je dorst kan lessen !

3 Mo 5.0
This is an automatic translation, the original language is: French. Show original

I'd wanted to do this climb for a long time, I was able to do it on 01/06/2024 and it's without a doubt one of my favourite climbs. No traffic (I passed no more than 2 cars on the road), the state of the road is a little damaged in places but it passes without a problem on a road bike, the first two thirds of the climb are in the forest, sometimes you have a view over the valley, then the last third of the climb is in the mountain pastures, it's really very pretty. Don't be fooled by the profile of the slope, which indicates a strong and regular percentage, because there are certain moments when the road becomes a rollercoaster with occasional small bumps of 10-15m to 15%. I advise you if you want to do the Col de l'Arpettaz to climb up this side and then descend on the south side as the slope is less steep and the road is in better condition.

Je souhaitais faire cette montée depuis longtemps, j'ai put y aller le 01/06/2024 et c'est sans trop de doute que cette montés rentre dans mes ascension favorite. Aucune circulation (j'ai croisé 2 voitures sur la route au maximum), l'état de la route est à certains endroit un peu endommagés mais ca passe sans problème en vélo de route, les deux premiers tiers de la montés se font dans la foret, on a parfois la vue sur la vallée, puis le dernier tiers de l'ascension se fait dans des alpages, c'est vraiment très jolie. Ne pas se faire avoir par le profil de la pente qui indique un pourcentage fort et régulier car, il y a certains moments où la route fait les montagnes russe avec parfois des petites bosses de 10-15m à 15%. Je vous conseille si vous souhaiter faire le Col de l'Arpettaz de monter par ce coté puis de descendre du coté Sud car la pente est moins raide et la route en meilleure état.

5 Mo 4.0 01:09:00 (13km/h)
This is an automatic translation, the original language is: Dutch. Show original

Very nice climb on quiet road where you are only accompanied by cows. You meander from corner to corner up a steep road that constantly stays above 8%. At some stretches you cycle briefly at 7% which feels like recovering but the inside bends can easily get above 10%. Asphalt leaves much to be desired and this side is not recommended for descending. For the descent, I recommend the route via Hauteville where the tarmac is significantly better. The road is still easily accessible by bike, though. The view at the top over the nearby area is more than worth it. This climb is really worthwhile when in the area.

Zeer mooie klim over rustige weg waar je alleen door de koeien vergezelt wordt. Je slingert van bocht naar bocht naar boven op een steile weg die constant boven de 8% blijft. Bij sommige stukken fiets je even op 7% wat als bijkomen voelt maar de binnenbochten kunnen makkelijk boven de 10% geraken. Asfalt laat de wensen over en deze kant is niet aan te raden om af te dalen. Voor de afdaling raad ik de route via Hauteville aan waar het asfalt beduidend beter is. De weg is wel nog goed bereikbaar per fiets. Het uitzicht op de top over de nabije omgeving is meer dan de moeite waard. Deze klim is echt de moeite waard wanneer in de buurt.

Climbing times

7 km/h 02:08:33
11 km/h 01:21:48
15 km/h 00:59:59
19 km/h 00:47:21

Road surface condition

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