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Scheidegg from Niederstaufen

3 reviews | Statistics | 2 photos
Scheidegg from Niederstaufen
Scheidegg from Niederstaufen
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Elevation profile Scheidegg from Niederstaufen
Elevation profile Scheidegg from Niederstaufen
Elevation profile Scheidegg from Niederstaufen


Difficulty points 195
Length 7.5 km
Average gradient 4.3%
Steepest 100 meters 12.2%
Total ascent 320m

Short recap

6 hairpin turns
#51 toughest climb of Bavarian Alps
#41 most elevation gain of Bavarian Alps
#77 longest climb of Bavaria
#77 average steepest climb of Bavarian Alps
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Scheidegg from Niederstaufen is a climb in the region Allgäu Alps. It is 7.5km long and bridges 320 vertical meters with an average gradient of 4.3%, resulting in a difficulty score of 195. The top of the ascent is located at 779 meters above sea level. Climbfinder users shared 3 reviews of this climb and uploaded 2 photos.

Road names: Allgäustraße & B 308

Photos (2)

Scheidegg from Niederstaufen
Scheidegg from Niederstaufen
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Reviews (3)

1 Mo 2.0
This is an automatic translation, the original language is: Dutch. Show original

Fine climb in itself, but very unexceptional. You see little more than trees in the forest and, above all, lots of cars's.
There are certainly nicer climbs to get to Scheidegg.

Op zich prima klim, maar zeer niet bijzonder. Je ziet weinig meer dan bomen in het bos en vooral heel veel auto's.
Er zijn zeker mooiere beklimmingen om in Scheidegg te komen.

1 Mo 2.0
This is an automatic translation, the original language is: Dutch. Show original

Indeed a nice climb, but not very spectacular either. You basically just see forest and trees and lots of cars's.
There are nicer climbs to get to Scheidegg.

Inderdaad een mooie klim, maar ook niet heel spectaculair. Je ziet eigenlijk alleen maar bos en bomen en heel veel auto's.
Er zijn mooiere beklimmingen om in Scheidegg te komen.

3 Mo 2.0
This is an automatic translation, the original language is: German. Show original

This is actually a beautiful climb that connects the Lake Constance region around Lindau with the upper Allgäu part of the district. But unfortunately very busy. Only recommended for me if there is no alternative.

Eigentlich ein schöner Anstieg, der die Bodenseeregion um Lindau mit dem oberen Allgäuer Teil des Landkreises verbindet. Aber leider sehr sehr stark befahren. Für mich nur zu empfehlen, wenn es keine Alternative gibt.


Climbing times

7 km/h 01:04:23
11 km/h 00:40:58
15 km/h 00:30:02
19 km/h 00:23:43

Road surface condition

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