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Poggio Cerro Balestro from Collacchia

1 review/story | Statistics | 4 photos
Poggio Cerro Balestro from Collacchia
Poggio Cerro Balestro from Collacchia
Poggio Cerro Balestro from Collacchia
Poggio Cerro Balestro from Collacchia
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Elevation profile Poggio Cerro Balestro from Collacchia
Elevation profile Poggio Cerro Balestro from Collacchia
Elevation profile Poggio Cerro Balestro from Collacchia


Difficulty points 262
Length 11.6 km
Average gradient 4.4%
Steepest 100 meters 9.7%
Total ascent 509m

Short recap

3 hairpin turns
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Poggio Cerro Balestro from Collacchia is a climb in the region Tuscany. It is 11.6km long and bridges 509 vertical meters with an average gradient of 4.4%, resulting in a difficulty score of 262. The top of the ascent is located at 592 meters above sea level. Climbfinder users shared 1 review/story of this climb and uploaded 4 photos.

Road names: Strada Provinciale 53 di Tatti, Viale Giacomo Matteotti & Strada Provinciale 54 Cerro Balestro

Photos (4)

Poggio Cerro Balestro from Collacchia
Poggio Cerro Balestro from Collacchia
Poggio Cerro Balestro from Collacchia
Poggio Cerro Balestro from Collacchia
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Reviews (1)

4 Mo 3.0
This is an automatic translation, the original language is: Italian. Show original

The ascent is regular and the gradient moderate, and the road is mostly shaded, making it a good option especially in the warmer months. The passage through the village of Tatti is the most scenic section, in addition to a few vantage points where the trees thin out.
Once past the first houses, there is a drinking fountain on the right. The asphalt is good along almost the entire climb, on the contrary, the descent towards Prata is characterised by a decidedly shabby road surface. I recommend it to those in the area who are not looking for difficult climbs (such as the one to Roccatederighi or even more so the Peruzzo wall).

L'ascesa è regolare e la pendenza moderata, la strada è per la maggior parte ombreggiata, cosa che la rende una valida opzione soprattutto nei mesi più caldi. Il passaggio per il paese di Tatti è il tratto più scenografico, in aggiunta a qualche punto panoramico dove gli alberi si diradano.
Superate le prime case, sulla destra si trova una fontanella. L'asfalto è buono lungo quasi tutta la salita, al contrario la discesa verso Prata è caratterizzata da un manto stradale decisamente malandato. La consiglio a chi è in zona e non cerca salite impegnative (come quella per Roccatederighi o ancor di più il muro di Peruzzo).


Climbing times

7 km/h 01:39:26
11 km/h 01:03:16
15 km/h 00:46:24
19 km/h 00:36:38

Road surface condition

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