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Gimillan from Aymavilles

2 reviews | Statistics | 5 photos
Gimillan from Aymavilles
Gimillan from Aymavilles
Gimillan from Aymavilles
Gimillan from Aymavilles
Gimillan from Aymavilles
Elevation profile Gimillan from Aymavilles
Elevation profile Gimillan from Aymavilles
Elevation profile Gimillan from Aymavilles


Difficulty points 869
Length 23.1 km
Average gradient 5.3%
Steepest 100 meters 11.6%
Total ascent 1216m

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Beautiful scenery
6 hairpin turns
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Gimillan from Aymavilles is a climb in the region Aosta Valley. It is 23.1km long and bridges 1216 vertical meters with an average gradient of 5.3%, resulting in a difficulty score of 869. The top of the ascent is located at 1821 meters above sea level. Climbfinder users shared 2 reviews of this climb and uploaded 5 photos.

Road names: Strada regionale di Cogne SR47, Strada Comunale per Gimillan & Frazione Gimillan

Photos (5)

Gimillan from Aymavilles
Gimillan from Aymavilles
Gimillan from Aymavilles
Gimillan from Aymavilles
Gimillan from Aymavilles

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Reviews (2)

11 Mo 5.0
This is an automatic translation, the original language is: Dutch. Show original

At the end of Val di Cogne, one of the side valleys of the wide Aosta Valley,Gimillan is one of the 3 possible final destinations I cycled up in September 2023.
Long climb in the side valley starts in Aymavilles where you climb directly out of the town via a few hairpin bends firmly (5km - avg.7 %) followed by slightly winding climbing through the forest lined by rock massifs. A short downhill through a gorge to cross the river followed by a second short portion of climbing (8%). Afterwards the valley opens up again and you cycle on a wide road slightly uphill with slight curves and a dozen tunnels and galleries along the river to the namesake of the valley : Cogne.
Before Gimillan, at 1821m. the highest asphalt finish of the valley, you cycle all the way through the tourist village on cobblestones.
After the roundabout, you climb left via 4 hairpin bends firmly up the mountainside with hardly any traffic, so that Cogne sinks below you. Formidable views of the National Park peaks fall to you, before cycling into the final village via the Cappella di Saint Pantaleon with its water source. A little further on, the tarmac stops.

Highest and most climbing of the 3 endpoints of a long (sometimes busy) route through the beautiful mountain landscape of Val di Cogne.

Aan het slot van Val di Cogne, één van de zijdalen van het brede Aostadal ,is Gimillan één van de 3 mogelijke einddoelen die ik in september 2023 op fietste.
Lange klim in het zijdal start in Aymavilles waar je via enkele haarspeldbochten direct stevig (5km - gem.7 %) het stadje uit klimt gevolgd door licht kronkelend klimwerk door het woud omzoomt door rotsmassieven. Even bergaf door een kloof om de rivier over te steken gevolgd door een tweede korte portie klimwerk (8%). Nadien trekt het dal terug open en fiets je op brede weg licht stijgend met flauwe bochten en een tiental tunnels en gaanderijen langs de rivier tot de naamgever van het dal : Cogne.
Voor Gimillan, met 1821m. het hoogste geasfalteerde einddoel van het dal, fiets je het toeristische dorpje op kasseitjes volledig door.
Na de rotonde klim je links via 4 haarspeldbochten stevig op de bergflank met amper verkeer, zodat Cogne onder je wegzinkt. Formidabele uitzichten op de pieken van het Nationaal Park vallen je te beurt, voor het binnenfietsen van het einddorp via de Cappella di Saint Pantaleon met waterbron. Iets verder stopt het asfalt.

Hoogste en meest klimmende van de 3 eindpunten van een lange (soms drukke) route door het prachtige berglandschap van Val di Cogne.

Gimillan from Aymavilles
Gimillan from Aymavilles
Gimillan from Aymavilles
Gimillan from Aymavilles
Gimillan from Aymavilles
1 y 5.0
This is an automatic translation, the original language is: Italian. Show original

A climb that is well worth it for the environment in which it takes place, a typical route in the Valle d'Aosta area, with the steepest section at the start to enter the valley and then gradually becoming pedalable. It climbs again between Cogne and Gimillan, to offer a finale worthy of the marvellous views by which it is surrounded.

Salita che merita per l'ambiente in cui si svolge, percorso tipico della zona valdostana, con il tratto più ripido all'inizio per entrare in valle e poi man mano pedalabile. Si impenna nuovamente tra Cogne e Gimillan, per regalare un finale degno dei panorami meravigliosi dai quali si è attorniati.

Climbing times

7 km/h 03:17:36
11 km/h 02:05:45
15 km/h 01:32:13
19 km/h 01:12:48

Road surface condition

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